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    2014-09-15 08:00:05

    Are you using your email effectively?

    2014-09-08 13:59:05

    Apple iOS 8 Update Confirmed for Wednesday 17th September! - How is this going to affect you?

    2014-08-29 10:13:59

    Are you ready for the volcano? – Time to implement / review remote working for your employees?

    Remember that ash cloud that caused havoc across Europe around four years ago? Unfortunately we’ve got some badnews. We may be facing yet another eruption and this time its Iceland’s Bardarbunga volcano.

    2014-07-14 12:56:20

    Cloud Computing Solutions - Levelling the Playing Field for SMEs

    In the past small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have struggled to compete with larger businesses in their industries, with one of the reasons being that they did not have access to the same advanced technologies. However, thanks to Cloud computing solutions, the playing field has begun to level out...

    2014-05-12 11:06:27

    Ipswitch Gold Partner, Grant McGregor Ltd secures WhatsUp Gold to protect The School of Clinical Medicine against network abuse.

    The WhatsUp Gold network monitoring software solution from Ipswitch will heal network ailments at The School of Clinical Medicine, part of the University of Cambridge.

    2014-02-10 13:07:34

    GM Seminar - Thursday 13th March 2014 - Edinburgh

    Seminar - How Multi-Layered, Cloud IT Security Can Save You Hours of Tedious Work Every Week… This week, I wanted to alert readers to a Seminar we're holding at The Merchants' Hall, 22 Hanover St, Edinburgh. Thursday 13th March 2014 - 13:30 to 16:45

    2014-01-07 17:00:53

    What's the impact to you of Windows XP going end of life in April 2014?

    Windows XP goes end of life 8th April 2014 - but what does this mean to you? Understand the true significance of this event and what you may need to do about it…

    2014-01-06 12:26:45

    Grant McGregor is Looking for a Talented IT Support Technician

    2013-11-18 12:15:18

    Cloudy with a chance of...saving yourself time & effort!

    Cloudy with a chance of...saving you time & effort! Multi-layered IT security & management in one simple platform…but is it any good?