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Seminar - How Multi-Layered, Cloud IT Security Can Save You Hours of Tedious Work Every Week… This week, I wanted to alert readers to a Seminar we're holding at The Merchants' Hall, 22 Hanover St, Edinburgh. Thursday 13th March 2014 - 13:30 to 16:45
Windows XP goes end of life 8th April 2014 - but what does this mean to you? Understand the true significance of this event and what you may need to do about it…
Cloudy with a chance of...saving you time & effort! Multi-layered IT security & management in one simple platform…but is it any good?
How to Protect Your Network and Your Users from Web-Based Threats Understand the growing threats posed by the web and how best to protect your systems and your staff…
Surely I should've been protected? It's understandable that many users become frustrated and confused when their antivirus software fails to prevent their computer system from getting a virus. The fact is that installing antivirus software alone will not guarantee your computer one hundred per cent...
Are your business IT users safe and is your business protected from the rapid growth of web-based security threats? According to IT Threat Evolution: Q2 2013 over 90% of system attacks come from malicious URLs...