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    2024-05-15 13:32:05

    Which AI skills do organisations need the most?

    Generative AI was the biggest tech news story of 2023… and 2024 is all about the adoption of this technology. But which skills are in most demand? And how can organisations nurture the skills required to make the most of the new, game-changing tools?

    2024-05-15 13:26:21

    Is the IoT leaving your business exposed?

    We increasingly live in a world of connected devices – from smart doorbells, through environmental sensors in industrial buildings, through to footfall tracking devices in public spaces, the world is increasingly full of electronic devices pushing data to the cloud.

    2024-05-07 13:25:45

    Should you lease? Dell, sustainability and your leasing options

    Leasing your IT equipment can be a great way to refresh your hardware estate without grappling with huge capital expenditure. But did you know that it can also help you meet your sustainability goals?

    2024-05-02 10:37:29

    The Hidden Danger of Encrypted Traffic

    With companies storing an increasing amount of sensitive information, it's crucial that we take proactive measures to protect that data. One method to protect data is to encrypt it, so that it is undecipherable to anyone who does not have the encryption key.

    2024-04-24 14:31:30

    Do you know which data your organisation needs to secure?

    A recent survey by Gigamon found that half of respondents didn’t know where their organisation’s most sensitive data is stored – or how it is secured. Could you determine where your most valuable data is and how it is protected?

    2024-04-17 09:12:45

    What can we learn from the Post Office Horizon scandal about how to choose an IT partner?

    One of the biggest miscarriages of justice in British legal history was driven by a faulty computer programme. Made worse by the supplier and procurer of the system refusing to accept that it was at fault, the scandal has finally got the recognition it deserves following an ITV drama about the...

    2024-04-16 16:02:14

    DrayTeks end of life! And why you need Next Gen Firewalls

    Is your business using DrayTek routers? With some unsupported models still widely used, it is important to act now to replace them. Unfortunately, cyber-attackers are targeting the devices – meaning the threat is real and immediate.

    2024-04-09 15:31:43

    How long would it take your organisation to detect a data breach?

    According to IBM Security’s Cost of a Data Breach Report for 2022, 83 per cent of organisations have experienced more than one data breach. Unfortunately, as with so many cyber-security threats, the likelihood of your organisation suffering a data breach is a question of “when” not “if”.

    2024-04-05 11:15:00

    How to Develop an Incident Reporting Culture

    Incident response, incident response planning and the nurturing of a positive incident reporting culture within your organisation are all critical aspects of cyber security. This blog focuses on why you need to develop an incident reporting culture and how to do it.

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