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    two men working using 5G
    2021-04-22 10:56:54

    What Your Organisation Needs to Know about 5G

    5G seems to attract a lot of hype… but what is the truth? What are the real risks and benefits? And where are the opportunities for your organisation? We talk you through what your organisation needs to know about 5G. Leading-edge technologies are often accompanied by wild claims.

    2021-04-19 07:30:00

    How Can You Streamline Your Digital Communications Channels?

    Remote working has required a plethora of new solutions to be introduced to help us collaborate more effectively throughout the lockdowns. As we remerge into the next “new normal”, it’s an opportunity to review and streamline the various tools and systems in play. Digital communication has been on...

    remote workers connecting
    2021-04-12 07:30:00

    What Are the COVID-19 Keepers? Four of 2020’s Changes We Plan to Continue

    As we pass the year anniversary of the first lockdown, Grant McGregor asks: what are the COVID keepers? A lot has changed in the world of IT over the last twelve to eighteen months. The changes we’ve made to enable our organisations to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic have been far-reaching. And...

    2021 recovery
    2021-04-05 07:30:00

    If 2020 was about responding to COVID-19, what will 2021’s recovery look like?

    2020 was a huge challenge for so many of us in so many different ways. As we approach the end of the latest lockdown and we begin to talk about the reopening of society, what is next for the worlds of work and technology? Last year, most IT managers were tasked with supporting the business in new...

    2021-03-30 07:59:11

    Quick Q&A: Should You Be Reviewing Your Corporate VPN?

    The Grant McGregor team talks you through a quick Q&A to help you understand why it might time to review VPN provision, the factors at play and whether they relate to your organisation. The short answer as to whether you should be reviewing your corporate VPN is: Yes.

    2021-03-15 08:30:00

    Did You Know Moving to the Cloud Could Lower Your Carbon Footprint?

    You have probably heard lots of talk about how cloud computing can deliver cost savings, but did you know that it can also help you make carbon savings too? A new report by Accenture says cloud can play a role in helping organisations reduce their carbon footprints.

    Azure on phone and laptop
    2021-03-08 14:59:00

    How can organisations optimise their digitalisation and cloud initiatives?

    Business analysts are warning that the pandemic is widening the gap between organisations which were ahead with their digitalisation projects and those who were already behind. What should organisations be doing now to make sure they don’t lose competitive advantage? The COVID-19 pandemic has led...

    2021-03-01 09:00:00

    Maximising your Investment in Microsoft 365 with Business Voice

    To survive the new normal, organisations of all sizes and in all markets need resources that let them adapt how they do business without sacrificing productivity. Agility is not just a marketing buzzword, but a requisite and a proven loss deterrent. There are no paint-by-numbers books on managing a...

    office technology investment
    2021-02-22 12:36:36

    What is the roadmap for technology investment in 2021 and beyond?

    Technology spending through 2020 held strong, despite the pandemic – largely driven by the sudden shift to remote working. But what are the major trends that are going to shake up IT in 2021? Few people could have predicted the events of last year. And few – if any – a traditional business...

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