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    2019-12-09 07:30:00

    The Cyber Essentials Policies Your Business Needs

    Cyber Essentials is a UK Government scheme that all businesses and NFP organisations should undertake. It helps you to ensure that you have the basic security systems and processes in place to help mitigate a cyber-attack.

    2019-12-02 07:30:00

    The 6 questions to ask your IT provider about their own security

    How can you assess whether your IT provider is doing enough to protect your business, its systems and data? The Grant McGregor team suggests some of the key questions you should be asking.

    2019-11-25 07:30:45

    Does Better the Devil You Know Hold True for IT Support?

    The maxim “better the devil you know” has a sidekick: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. In today’s world of fast-paced change, increasingly competitive markets and evolving security threats, both phrases are outliving their usefulness.

    2019-11-19 09:24:16

    Are you doing enough to protect your staff against Phishing?

    In IT, we talk a lot about protecting our systems and data against cyber-attack. However, there is a growing realisation that this is only part of the picture. We need to do much more to protect our people too.

    2019-11-11 15:14:55

    The 8 Warning Signs that Indicate You Need to Switch Your IT Provider

    Change can be scary – but changing IT support partner needn’t be. In fact, sticking with the devil you know can be a lot worse! We look at some of the signs that indicate it’s time to change your MSP.

    2019-10-29 16:52:27

    Why SMEs Should Get Expert Help with Cyber Security

    Cyber security is a complex topic, so it is essential to get expert help. As a result, and particularly for SMEs, it is better to find an experienced IT partner than to try to do it all in house.

    2019-10-24 11:22:42

    Are You Doing Enough to Protect Your Data?

    Concern over cyber threats has hit an all-time high, with a recent global cyber risk perception survey finding that 79% of organisations now rank cyber risk as a top-five concern.

    2019-10-16 15:44:40

    Why Are Software Updates (or Patches) So Important?

    Software updates (or patching) is familiar to us all. We’ll update the apps on our mobile phones with some regularity and the same should apply to all the software applications we use on all devices we use. Unfortunately, we find that many businesses are still using out of date or older versions of...

    2019-10-07 08:59:58

    Want to Get Back to Doing Your Day-Job?

    “IT Support is not in my job description”