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One of the biggest advantages of technology is its ability to help us accomplish tasks more efficiently. This is especially useful for businesses since it frees up your staff and allows you to automate repetitive tasks without the need for human input.
The deadline for GDPR has come and gone, along with the late nights, new data privacy documentation and last-minute system tweaks. And aside from making sure that your company is not subject to a breach, and tightening up its data handling practices, the day-to-day operations of most businesses...
A little bit of planning can help you ensure that you not only have a great holiday, but will return home to find your computer and your electronically held data intact too.
Managing your IT estate always comes down to balancing the sometimes-contradictory forces of budget and performance. An effective IT Refresh strategy is an important balancing bar in this difficult act.
When it comes down to it, letting an employee go is never pleasant. Anger, confusion and even tears are all possibilities if the process isn’t well organised, professionally executed, and respectful to everyone involved.
Microsoft Office is an essential for most organisations with office-based staff. The suite of products covers all the staples of the office environment – from PowerPoint presentations to Excel spreadsheets, Word and productivity apps.
Getting the best from your people is a delicate and multi-faceted issue – spanning recruitment, team-building, collaboration, management styles, flexible working options, benefits and rewards. However, the single most important factor in whether your team is reaching its full potential is the...
When I first started my working life, I worked for an organisation where, if you called the IT helpdesk, the “help” consisted of two standard responses:
Well, unlike some predicted, the sky did not actually fall in last Friday on 25th May when GDPR came into enforcement in UK law. But some significant changes did come into play that should not be ignored.