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As a business owner, it is likely that you are constantly on the look out for ways to improve your operations in order to achieve higher levels of efficiency. Seeing as the majority of companies rely so heavily on their IT systems today, this is a key area that requires constant improvement. But...
Not only is it Darren’s birthday at the end of this month, he has also come of age to be handed the keys to the company car.
Today more and more businesses are migrating to Office 365 in order to take advantage of its Cloud based email solution, amongst many other beneficial features. One of the great things about using Microsoft Office 365 is that it allows you to continue using the email software and other tools you...
It’s that time of year when Edinburgh comes alive with hundreds of shows in the Edinburgh Festival.
In the past small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have struggled to compete with larger businesses in their industries, with one of the reasons being that they did not have access to the same advanced technologies. However, thanks to Cloud computing solutions, the playing field has begun to level out...
The WhatsUp Gold network monitoring software solution from Ipswitch will heal network ailments at The School of Clinical Medicine, part of the University of Cambridge.
Today we have a new addition to the family...
Seminar - How Multi-Layered, Cloud IT Security Can Save You Hours of Tedious Work Every Week… This week, I wanted to alert readers to a Seminar we're holding at The Merchants' Hall, 22 Hanover St, Edinburgh. Thursday 13th March 2014 - 13:30 to 16:45