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    Windows 11 - The wait is over
    2021-11-08 09:35:26

    Windows 11: The wait is over

    All the benefits of using the very latest version of Windows in your business. After a four month wait, a brand new version of Windows is finally here. It’s a lot more secure, has better functionality and greater possibilities.

    2021-11-01 16:19:21

    What role must technology play in our transition to a Net Zero carbon world?

    COP26 meets in Glasgow over the next two weeks and the future of life on our planet is on the line. To mark the occasion, the Grant McGregor team ask: could technology hold the answer to reaching our net zero carbon goals? The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP26, is the 26th...

    2021-10-25 09:33:23

    Should cyber risk be the responsibility of your Risk Manager or your IT Manager?

    Today, IT systems are crucial to the day-to-day operations of many organisations. This makes cyber security risks a significant part of organisational risk management. But where should responsibility fall? Is cyber security risk management the preserve of IT or organisational risk managers? Before...

    Microsoft Teams call
    2021-10-18 10:48:56

    Another 8 Great Features You Should Be Using in Microsoft Teams

    A few months ago, we listed eight of our favourite but little-known features in Microsoft Teams. In this blog, we take a look at some of the latest additions to Microsoft Teams – and ask: could you benefit from them too? Over the last eighteen months, Microsoft Teams has become an essential piece...

    2021-10-11 13:54:10

    How to make the business case for IT investment

    Many organisations have diverted spending to IT over the last eighteen months, as they searched for digital solutions to keep the business operational in a remote-working world. With these funds now in retreat, the need to develop a compelling business case for future IT spend has never been more...

    incident response plan
    2021-10-04 07:30:00

    How to Create an Incident Response Plan

    A few weeks ago, we talked about the need to create an open culture in your organisation; one in which people are actively encouraged to report cyber concerns. In this blog, we revisit the topic and detail how to create an effective incident response plan. Your incident response plan has a...

    2021-09-13 11:56:11

    Refreshing Your BCDR Plans: Is Now the Time?

    We’ve all had a crash course in business continuity and disaster recovery in the last eighteen months: why it’s important, what needs to be put in place, all those knock-on effects… But does that mean that we should now be reviewing existing BCDR plans? Is now a good time to review your business...

    citizen development
    2021-09-06 08:29:00

    What Is Citizen Development? And Should You Be Doing It?

    If you haven’t yet heard the phrase “citizen development”, you can expect that to change in the coming months. Citizen development is set to become the latest IT buzzword… but it is more than that – it can have some rapid and far-reaching benefits for your business. Tech Target defines citizen...

    2021-09-01 13:41:11

    GDPR: The Essential 2021 Guide

    It’s been a while since GDPR dominated the pages of business magazines and technology websites, but some important changes have happened over the last few months which makes the topic well worth revisiting. There was a time when we really could not have escaped the headlines about GDPR. But after...