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    2021-03-30 07:59:11

    Quick Q&A: Should You Be Reviewing Your Corporate VPN?

    The Grant McGregor team talks you through a quick Q&A to help you understand why it might time to review VPN provision, the factors at play and whether they relate to your organisation. The short answer as to whether you should be reviewing your corporate VPN is: Yes.

    phishing email red flag
    2021-03-25 15:30:40

    The 10 phishing red flags you need to know about

    Phishing is the most destructive type of cyber-attack. While you can stop some phishing attempts with your security tools, it’s almost inevitable that some will reach their intended targets. This means educating your people has to be a key plank in any phishing defence strategy.

    2021-03-22 08:30:00

    5 reasons why you should outsource your IT support

    Outsourcing IT isn’t just for large companies. Outsourcing IT often makes even more sense for smaller companies – giving you access to a breadth of skills and support you couldn’t otherwise afford.

    2021-03-15 08:30:00

    Did You Know Moving to the Cloud Could Lower Your Carbon Footprint?

    You have probably heard lots of talk about how cloud computing can deliver cost savings, but did you know that it can also help you make carbon savings too? A new report by Accenture says cloud can play a role in helping organisations reduce their carbon footprints.

    Azure on phone and laptop
    2021-03-08 14:59:00

    How can organisations optimise their digitalisation and cloud initiatives?

    Business analysts are warning that the pandemic is widening the gap between organisations which were ahead with their digitalisation projects and those who were already behind. What should organisations be doing now to make sure they don’t lose competitive advantage? The COVID-19 pandemic has led...

    2021-03-01 09:00:00

    Maximising your Investment in Microsoft 365 with Business Voice

    To survive the new normal, organisations of all sizes and in all markets need resources that let them adapt how they do business without sacrificing productivity. Agility is not just a marketing buzzword, but a requisite and a proven loss deterrent. There are no paint-by-numbers books on managing a...

    office technology investment
    2021-02-22 12:36:36

    What is the roadmap for technology investment in 2021 and beyond?

    Technology spending through 2020 held strong, despite the pandemic – largely driven by the sudden shift to remote working. But what are the major trends that are going to shake up IT in 2021? Few people could have predicted the events of last year. And few – if any – a traditional business...

    2021-02-15 08:30:00

    What is Zero Trust and Should I Be Implementing It?

    The IT world is full of acronyms and strange phrases. “Zero Trust” is one of the latest to be bandied about, but what does it mean? And is it something your organisation needs to be thinking about? Zero Trust is a model for IT security. Although it is not a new concept, there is an increasing...

    2021-02-08 10:18:00

    The State of Email Security Update

    At the end of last year, security company Mimecast released the latest version of its annual state of email security report – and it revealed some worrying findings. What should organisations be doing to protect themselves from the current attack vectors? In this year’s report(1), Mimecast...