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    2017-06-12 09:30:34

    Your IT perimeter: where is it and how do you best defend it?

    Gone are the days when the limits of your security cordon were the walls of the datacentre. Now, it isn’t the stray floppy disk or errant memory stick we need to worry about – many of us are wondering where the limits of our IT perimeter are.

    2017-05-22 09:24:36

    Is Your Disaster Recovery Plan & Process Up to Scratch?

    In recent years, the IT landscape has been transformed by digitalisation, Cloud, social and mobile – probably with significant impact on what a business-critical system looks like and what constitutes an IT disaster for your business.

    2017-05-15 10:11:32

    How to Protect Your Business Against Cyber-Attacks and Data Theft

    Wow! Quite a weekend of news around Cyber Security... This was an article we had written a couple of weeks ago now and had scheduled for publication today just for the sake of offering our readers and supported end-users ongoing education about cyber security and playing your part...

    2017-04-17 07:30:29

    Is Antivirus Still Relevant in a World of Increasing Cyber-Attacks?

    Recently we looked at how Ransomware is on the rise: Cyber Security Experts Warn of Rise in Ransomware

    2017-03-27 10:55:54

    Cyber Security Experts Warn of Rise in Ransomware

    A joint report from the NCA and the NCSC warns that cybercrime is becoming more aggressive. The increase in devices connecting to the internet is providing more opportunities for criminals to hold people to ransom over personal data.

    2017-03-20 14:10:19

    (Not Always Obvious) Things to Look Out for to Avoid Phishing Scams

    Phishing scams are incredibly common nowadays. Luckily anyone who uses a computer on a daily basis is now very used to ignoring the most obvious types of phishing emails with poor spelling or grammar in the content; not to mention that those that are sent out en masse will nearly always be caught...

    2017-03-13 10:29:09

    8 Top Tips for Managing a Virtual Work Team

    With flexible working on the increase, more small businesses than ever are effectively working in a virtual office.

    2017-03-06 08:30:17

    Top Tips for Making IT Relevant for Your Business

    Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) or Businesses are vital to the UK economy, driving growth and ensuring employment.

    2017-02-13 11:17:06

    IoT Security Tips for SMEs

    There’s much hype about the Internet of Things (IoT) and the endless possibilities of a hyperconnected future. However, 2016 saw a number of DDoS attacks in which attackers exploited inherent security vulnerabilities in IoT devices to take down big name websites such as Twitter, Netflix and Spotify.