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    2018-01-16 15:18:08

    The Two New IT Vulnerabilities that Affect Nearly Everyone

    You’ve probably heard of Spectre and Meltdown by now – the two new vulnerabilities that researchers have identified as affecting chips from Intel, AMD and ARM. We take a look at the risk they pose and what you should be doing about them.

    2018-01-08 08:30:15

    Supporting Work Life Balance Through Technology

    Organisations in the UK have a legal obligation to consider employee requests to work flexibly.

    2018-01-01 09:47:27

    New Year... New IT Partner?

    Technology isn’t the starting point for many small businesses and start-ups – unless technology is your business.

    2017-12-22 07:30:04

    Our IT Predictions for 2018

    What has 2018 got in store for the small business manager in terms of IT?

    2017-12-18 15:08:35

    Should You Be Using Microsoft Teams?

    Office 365 offers huge benefits to SMBs in terms of simplifying and saving on essential IT services. However, in many businesses, it isn’t being used to its full potential.

    2017-12-14 12:29:06

    Merry Christmas from Grant McGregor

    With 2017 drawing to an end and the festive season upon us, the whole Grant McGregor team took some time out of work hours to celebrate and enjoy a Christmas lunch together.

    2017-12-04 10:05:39

    Embracing Disruptive Technology

    Disruptive technology was popularised in 1997 by author Clayton Christensen in his book “The Innovator’s Dilemma’. It refers to technology which significantly alters the way in which a business operates.

    2017-11-27 07:30:17

    Protect your Business, your Clients and your Supply Chain with the UK Government's Cyber Essentials Security Standard

    2017-11-20 15:09:02

    Are You Adequately Testing your Backup and Recovery Plans?