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What happens when an employee downloads a virus onto one of their personal devices that you have allowed access your company systems? Grant McGregor takes a look at an emerging weak spot in many companies’ defences.
Outsourced IT and Internal IT provision is often posited as an either/or choice. On the contrary, says Grant McGregor, the relationship can be a highly successful collaboration.
If your business uses Microsoft software (likely!), you’ve got a number of important upgrades approaching soon. The latest one to add to the list is Microsoft’s end of life announcement for its Internet Explorer IE10 web browser.
Cyber threats are constantly evolving and growing. With breaches reported in the international press, it is easy to get lost in the white noise of cybercrime fear and misinformation. But there are some truly straightforward and clear steps that every business can take.
Those of us of a certain age will remember the promise that things can only get better… and the mantra of “education, education, education”. It all seems a long way away today. The good news? When it comes to cybersecurity, things can get significantly better with a relatively small investment in...
Act now. Applications will not be accepted after 3rd May 2019.
The Government-backed Cyber Essentials scheme is becoming both increasingly well-known and applied for. We think this is a good thing.
No, we’re not talking about cutting down the time you spend on social media (but we’re quite happy to advocate that too). We’re talking about a corporate digital detox: a thorough audit and cleanse of your entire IT estate – and how to go about it.
In over 30 years in IT, I still encounter many business owners and IT-decision makers who find themselves spending too much of their valuable time dealing with staff technology problems and continually looking for work-arounds to the IT issues.