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    2019-04-24 14:51:28

    SCVO Releases Additional Cyber Security Vouchers to Third Sector

    Act now. Applications will not be accepted after 3rd May 2019.

    2019-03-18 11:15:43

    Office 365 Popularity Grows…as does its potential vulnerability

    Since its introduction, Microsoft’s Office suite products have clearly been the tools of choice for most of the world’s businesses - most of us using at least one of the applications on a daily basis.

    2018-09-03 07:30:39

    How Do You Stop a Phishing Attack?

    People are often the weakest link of any security infrastructure. Which means the best line of defence when it comes to preventing phishing attacks or other people-focused exploits is to ensure staff are aware of the risks.

    2017-03-27 10:55:54

    Cyber Security Experts Warn of Rise in Ransomware

    A joint report from the NCA and the NCSC warns that cybercrime is becoming more aggressive. The increase in devices connecting to the internet is providing more opportunities for criminals to hold people to ransom over personal data.

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