Grant McGregor Blog

Don't fall for SharePoint phishing scams: Protect your business today

Written by the Grant McGregor Team | Jul 31, 2024 10:20:07 AM

In our increasingly digital world, safeguarding your online information has never been more crucial. As a trusted IT managed service provider, we want to alert you to a rising cyber threat: the exploitation of SharePoint servers for phishing attacks.

Cyber and Fraud Centre Scotland has seen a rise in sophisticated phishing attacks exploiting SharePoint servers to deceive unsuspecting victims. These scams are particularly dangerous because they disguise themselves within the familiar environment of SharePoint, a widely used collaboration platform.


The Hook: Phishing Emails

It begins with an email that appears harmless, often seeming to come from a trusted source or a colleague. This email contains a link that directs you to a SharePoint-hosted PDF. This document looks legitimate, complete with the expected company branding and formatting.


The Line: SharePoint PDFs and CAPTCHA

The PDF is a decoy, featuring another link that promises more information or requires an action. To add a layer of false legitimacy, attackers might use a CAPTCHA—a familiar security feature—tricking you into feeling secure.


The Sinker: The Phishing Page

Clicking the link in the PDF leads to the heart of the scam: a phishing page. This page is a near-perfect replica of a legitimate Microsoft login page, designed to steal your credentials. Believing they are logging into SharePoint, unsuspecting users enter their details, unknowingly handing sensitive information to the attackers.



Staying Afloat: Protection Measures

To help you navigate these dangerous waters, we recommend the following protective measures:

  • Verify Email Sources: Always verify the source of any email, especially those prompting you to click on links or download files.
  • Be Cautious of Unexpected Requests: Be wary of unexpected email requests, even if they appear to come from within your organisation.
  • Enable Multi-Factor Authentication: Add an extra layer of security to your accounts to protect your credentials.
  • Educate Your Team: Keeping your team informed and educated on the latest phishing tactics is crucial. Awareness is a powerful defence against these sneaky threats.


Phishing campaigns exploiting SharePoint servers are a sophisticated and serious threat. However, with vigilance, education and robust security measures, we can help you avoid these scams and protect your digital assets.


How we can help your business

We encourage you to share this information with your colleagues and network to spread awareness. Stay informed and secure by following our updates for the latest cybersecurity insights.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. The Grant McGregor team is here to ensure your digital environment remains safe and secure.


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