Is it pancake day already? Well that certainly crêped up on us! (Oh dear!)
The year already seems to be going by so quickly and before we know it, it’ll be Christmas again. In order to make the most of the year ahead for your business, you need to ensure you are working with a reliable and professional IT support company like Grant McGregor. Here we’ve explained some of the reasons why it’s time to flip over to us and we’ve even included a few pancake related puns – you can thank us later!
The task of finding a great IT support company should be simple. You just do a quick Google search, make an enquiry and sign a contract. The problem is that just like when you’re making pancakes, so much can go wrong along the way! Below we’ve discussed a number of issues you may face and solutions to help you choose the right IT support company for your business. It has to be a good fit for both parties.
If the IT Company simply guesses what services you need, rather than taking the time to evaluate your business, then just like when you try and guess the measurements for your pancake ingredients, things can quickly fall apart. You need to make sure you choose an IT company that is willing to get to know you and your business and help you select the right services to meet your needs and requirements.
It’s all very well coming up with ‘ready made’ and ‘here’s one I made earlier’ solutions but they may not be the right fit for your business. Just like pre-made batter can lead to imperfect pancakes, pre-made IT support services can lead to imperfect solutions. Choose an IT support company that is willing to fit their services to suit your business.
When you start messing around with your pancakes and adding unnecessary ingredients, things can quickly go wrong. The same goes for IT companies that insist on selling businesses products and services that they don’t need or really have use for. Avoid working with companies that are more interested in selling you products than providing support.
We understand that flipping over to a new IT support company can feel daunting but with Grant McGregor there’s no need to worry that you’ll be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Grant McGregor is a people-friendly IT company that prides itself on quality, customer-driven services. This basically means that we tailor our IT support services around your needs and requirements and won’t ever try and sell you something you don’t need. If anything we will try to reduce your IT costs...just as this customer discovered!
Not only do we offer a full range of IT support services for you to choose from but we also promise transparency. With access to clear IT Service Level Agreements (SLAs), tight cost control and real time reporting, you can have the peace of mind that you are spending your budget on quality services that can change your business for the better.
If your current IT provider is failing to meet your needs, now’s the time to flip!
Wait any longer and you’ll only end up wasting more money on services that aren’t producing the results you desire. If you’re in need of first class IT support Grant McGregor is here to serve it up! Great IT support services are like the perfect pancake, they’ll leave you feeling satisfied with a big smile on your face!
We hope our pancake puns have had you rolling on the flour laughing (that’s the last one we promise)! But all jokes aside, if you are serious about improving your IT systems in 2016, Grant McGregor is here to provide a helping hand. Here are three key areas that organisations are commonly seeking our help with right now...
1. Improving your essential IT security without spending a fortune
2. Taking advantage of the flexibility and benefits of Office 365 Cloud services
3. How to ensure you get excellent service and value for money from your IT
Click on any of the links above to access some practical advice and information that will help you to harness your IT as a strategic enabler and not a sunk cost.
Or simply give us a call on 0131 603 7910 to speak to a member of the team.